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Grins & Giggles
from the Heart, Not a Prompt
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This is all unpublished stuff, mostly written for my own amusement. But I thought I'd let you in for a little peek at what I can do when the bumper rails go down.

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Aggressive Waking of the Human 101

Cat Mewsings

My kitten's creative attempts to wake me in the wee hours inspired this piece.

This is instructional guide for his Felidae kin is written in his enlightened and cultivated voice that I believe most cats assume, no matter their age

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Educated at Chuck & Sally's

An Essay

My first stint slinging beer in a dive-bar in a new city taught me lessons I never expected.

I talked with people I made never given the time of day to outside that bar, and they showed me that those with the least to give, often give the most.

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What's in the Box?

Job App Assignment

This was written for Woot!, who had the time had an unconventional method to their product presentations.

As such, this are more of a story rather than banal specs. This was of three product descriptions for a HP 14” Dual-Core i5 ProBook

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Dueling Processors

Job App Assignment

This was written for Woot!, who had the time had an unconventional method to their product presentations.

As such, this are more of a story rather than banal specs. This was of three product descriptions for a HP 14” Dual-Core i5 ProBook

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