from the Heart, Not a Prompt

The Bullets
More than 10 years of professional writing, editing, and researching
Specializes in storytelling and long-form content
Graphic designer in a previous life
Still uses notebooks—uh, the paper kind
Nothing much happens before coffee—except feeding the cats; they said it must be so
Actually perturbed about not being a mermaid
I think ghosts are real; I wish garden gnomes were so they could weed my flower beds
Never stop learning or laughing.
Except to sip coffee.
Interested to know how I transformed from graphic designer to writer?
Some audiences I've written for:
• Military
• Law enforcement
• Government
• First-responders
• Academia
• Tech
• Business
A sampling of the many industries and topics:
• Cybersecurity
• Business continuity management
• Small business sales tax
• Corporate tax incentives
• Healthcare
• Senior care/assisted living
• Technology
• Food and beverage
• Automotive
• Dental
• Emergency communications
• Hotel and restaurant
• Farming, including hemp
Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, praise, creative ridicule, or irreverence.
The Compressed File
I write stuff—long stuff, short stuff, funny stuff, and serious stuff. I can craft technical stuff or thoughtful stuff. I do it for anyone who needs engaging stuff. I’m a natural storyteller who can get to the heart of an audience and write from their shoes.
Writing for a variety of industries has helped me adapt to diverse styles and voices with ease. Whether words need to bounce with humor or submit to gravity, exude irreverence or compassion, whether they must find objectivity or opinion, I can write it with authenticity and personality. I can twirl a phrase on its toes and gift a unique perspective that resonates with the reader. Typically, coffee is involved. Sometimes a cat.
Additionally, my years as a graphic designer have given me an edge when collaborating with designers to create complete, effective content experiences.
If You’ve Got Time for a Story
As I fidgeted in the lobby awaiting an interview for what could be my second professional copywriting job, an older gentleman, comfortable in jeans and slippers, strolled in.
He paused and said, “Someone helping you?”
“Yes, thank you. I’m waiting on Jeff.”
“Who are you?”
“Hopefully, your next copywriter.” The slippers gave me confidence.
The corner of his mouth inched upward. Then he asked, “What do you write?”
“I write stuff. Anything you need,” I said, wondering what position sanctioned such curiosity without shoes.
“Are you good at it?”
“That seems to be the consensus.” The slippers were a confidence power pack.
He nodded and shuffled on his way.
Not till the latter part of the interview did I discover that the Slippered Man was the CEO—and had final say in all new hires.
I got an offer a few days later.
Had I known to whom I was speaking and not had my nerves squished by bedtime footwear, I’m pretty sure overthinking and caution would have choked my answers. I'm pretty sure I wouldn’t have answered, “Anything you need.” At that time, I hadn’t yet tackled enough topics and audiences to justify the claim. But I knew that I could—and now I have.
Today when someone asks me what I write—regardless of their footwear—I confidently state, “Anything you need.” Even if I haven’t written or researched it in the past, I know that I can distill research and adapt content to my reader.
I begin every assignment asking, “Who will read this?” I consider not just what I am writing about, but for whom I am writing it.