Welcome to my 'sampler platter.' I hope you find something tasty.

"As Baby Boomers stroll away from five-and-dimes to Amazon Prime, from Ozzie & Harriet to Modern Family, payphones to smartphones, typewriters to tablets…and from their homes to assisted living, senior care facilities must prepare for the adaptability twists that these residents will bring with them." ~ Blog
"We cultivate our connectivity
Though we live far apart, we work closely together. Our CTI family spans the nation: Cali to Colorado, PA to WA, and Texas is too big to forget. We care more about who you are than where you are. With video chat, email, and mobiles, we stay connected." ~ Web Page
"Since the dawn of man, people have used stories to share knowledge, connect with one another an offer entertainment. Stories help us understand and remember, activate our senses, trigger emotions, and imprint upon our minds." ~ Video Script

"Jana and I stepped out into the wintry evening. Though there was a mild breeze nipped with chill, I felt warmed slightly by the town’s Christmas cheer. Along the two-block Historic District, old-fashioned lamp posts stood sentry in uniforms of twisting garland that twinkled with tiny white lights." ~ Book Manuscript
"Nearly tripping over its own inventions, the tech industry is innovating faster than it can be regulated. Each new gadget, software, process, or discovery seems to expedite the creation of another..." ~ Whitepaper
"Today on this date back in 1904
was born Geisal, first name Theodor
Ingeniously he wove poems, stories, and books
tales to make us laugh, snortle, and kackly-wook."
~ Social Post
"More than 34 percent of employees are prone to opening a suspicious email, clicking on a fraudulent link, or complying with criminal requests to provide sensitive information."
"CTI's process not only provided a transparent, well-coordinated workflow for Amtec, but also a seamless experience for the the candidates." ~ Case Study
"Her ladders no longer clang with intentioned feet, and her bulkheads no longer resound with barked orders, but the USS McClusky's memories thrive through this remarkable challenge coin." ~ Product Description

"Well, little one, have no fear. Pete the Protector is always near.
Pete is a cat with long black fur. He has eyes of gold and a powerful purr." ~ Children's Bedtime Storybook