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Writing from the Heart, Not a Prompt
People want more than words—
let's give them tingles with sentient sentences
Cats and coffee will probably be involved

Hey, hey ... thanks for popping by
Need a hand with some writing? Want to check what I've written for others? Killing time during a meeting?
Whatever the reason, jump in, poke around—I hope you find something you like.

Why Me?
…you naturally get drawn into her pieces
“Angie is a talented copywriter regardless of the deliverable, but she especially shines when it comes to the blogs she authors. She has an innate ability to weave engaging and entertaining storytelling elements into her informative awareness-stage blogs without it seeming forced. You naturally get drawn into her pieces and will find yourself grinning at her tactful use of vocabulary and puns."
~ Ted Marquardt, Content Strategy Manager
…never hesitated to help anyone
“Angie was never afraid to ask for more work, to spot opportunities to insert her skills, or to help others on her team succeed. She never hesitated to help anyone who came to her for help.”
~ Pat Mannelly, Managing Director
…creates an intriguing story with her words
“As soon as a content position opened up on my team, I immediately reached out to Angie, so she could do what she does best – create an intriguing story with her words.”
~ Katelyn Zeoli, Marketing Manager
…sense of humor in the face of adversity
“Her work ethic and sense of humor in the face of work related adversity has been inspiring."
~ Russ Wilson, Custom Sales Exec
...knack for enlivening potentially dry topics
"Angie has a knack for enlivening potentially dry topics with engaging language and turns of phrase ... piques interest from the get-go and maintains it while informing on a host of topic."
~ Gale Cole, Senior Marketing Writer
...a great knack for creating engaging narrative
"Angie has a great knack for creating engaging narrative content pieces and supplying consistent copy editing supervision. She was able to elevate Genzeon into a significant series of thought leadership blogs, white papers, infographics, and more."
~ Alex Lucas, Marketing Manager
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